chart.RollingPerformance {PerformanceAnalytics} | R Documentation |
A wrapper to create a chart of rolling performance metrics in a line chart
chart.RollingPerformance(R, width = 12, xaxis = TRUE, legend.loc = NULL, colorset = (1:12), FUN = "Return.annualized", na.pad = TRUE, type = "l", pch = NULL, lty = 1, bg = NULL, cex.axis=0.8, cex.legend = 0.8, cex.labels = 0.7, lwd = 2, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, log = "", main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = "Date", ylab = NULL, ann = par("ann"), axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes, panel.first = NULL, panel.last = NULL, asp = NA, ylog = FALSE, event.lines = NULL, event.labels = NULL, period.areas = NULL, event.color = "darkgray", period.color = "lightgray", element.color = "darkgray", major.ticks='auto', minor.ticks=TRUE, grid.color="lightgray", grid.lty="dotted", ...)
R |
an xts, vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of asset returns |
width |
number of periods to apply rolling function window over |
any function that can be evaluated using a single set of returns (e.g., rolling CAPM.beta won't work, but Return.annualized will) |
na.pad |
TRUE/FALSE If TRUE it adds any times that would not otherwise have been in the result with a value of NA. If FALSE those times are dropped. |
ylog |
TRUE/FALSE set the y-axis to logarithmic scale, similar to plot , default FALSE |
legend.loc |
places a legend into one of nine locations on the chart: bottomright, bottom, bottomleft, left, topleft, top, topright, right, or center. |
main |
set the chart title, same as in plot |
event.lines |
If not null, vertical lines will be drawn to indicate that an event happened during that time period. event.lines should be a list of dates (e.g., c("09/03","05/06")) formatted the same as date.format. This function matches the re-formatted row names (dates) with the events.list, so to get a match the formatting needs to be correct. |
event.labels |
if not null and event.lines is not null, this will apply a list of text labels (e.g., c("This Event", "That Event") to the vertical lines drawn |
event.color |
draws the event described in event.labels in the color specified |
period.areas |
these are shaded areas described by start and end dates in the same format as the date.format. This is provided as a list of pairs, e.g., list(c("10/26","11/27"), c("08/29","03/33")) See the examples below. |
period.color |
draws the shaded region described by period.areas in the color specified |
type |
set the chart type, same as in plot |
xaxis |
if true, draws the x axis |
ylab |
set the y-axis label, same as in plot |
xlab |
set the x-axis label, same as in plot |
xlim |
set the x-axis limit, same as in plot |
ylim |
set the y-axis limit, same as in plot |
pch |
symbols to use, see also plot |
lty |
set the line type, same as in plot |
lwd |
set the line width, same as in plot |
colorset |
color palette to use, set by default to rational choices |
bg |
same as in plot |
cex |
set the y-axis limit, same as in plot |
log |
not used |
sub |
same as in plot |
ann |
same as in plot |
axes |
same as in plot |
frame.plot |
same as in plot |
panel.first |
same as in plot |
panel.last |
same as in plot |
asp |
same as in plot |
cex.axis |
The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of 'cex', same as in plot . |
cex.legend |
The magnification to be used for sizing the legend relative to the current setting of 'cex'. |
cex.labels |
The magnification to be used for event line labels relative to the current setting of 'cex'. |
major.ticks |
Should major tickmarks be drawn and labeled, default 'auto' |
minor.ticks |
Should minor tickmarks be drawn, default TRUE |
grid.color |
sets the color for the reference grid |
grid.lty |
defines the line type for the grid |
element.color |
provides the color for drawing chart elements, such as the box lines, axis lines, etc. Default is "darkgray" |
... |
any other passthru parameters to rollapply |
A timeseries line chart of the calculated series
Peter Carl
, rollapply
data(edhec) chart.RollingPerformance(edhec[, 1:3], width = 24) chart.RollingPerformance(edhec[, 1:3], FUN = 'mean', width = 24, colorset = rich8equal, lwd = 2, legend.loc = "topleft", main = "Rolling 24-Month Mean Return") chart.RollingPerformance(edhec[, 1:3], FUN = 'SharpeRatio.annualized', width = 24, colorset = rich8equal, lwd = 2, legend.loc = "topleft", main = "Rolling 24-Month Sharpe Ratio")