cum.utils {PerformanceAnalytics} | R Documentation |
calculate cumulative values for the observation series given, including multicolumn extensions to cummax and cumprod
cummax.column | cumulative maxima by column, useful for drawdowns |
cumprod.column | cumulative product by column, useful for compound returns |
A prior version of these functions included specific NA handling. This was removed due to a conflict with the general cumulative functions in the R core. Please be aware that you may have issues with series of different lengths, and may need to explicitly handle NAs as a result.
## S3 method for class 'column': cumprod(x) ## S3 method for class 'column': cummax(x)
x |
a vector, matrix, data frame, timeSeries or zoo object of observations |
transformed matrix of cumprod's or cummax's
Peter Carl